ABUNDANCE is all the rage this month, at least in my jonquil- and wattle-scented small bubble of content-making.
I’ve been making postcards about it, and a patron-only newsletter. I’ve been banging about it on Instagram, and most significantly, I made a YouTube video that is a deep dive into abundance.
Spring is in full bud here, and it has me paying attention to what’s abundant around us, even in times when we are made to fear scarcity.
Here’s my deep dive into abundance on YouTube:
“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.”
- Wayne Dyer
I’m taking this quote as an explicit instruction this month, and I’m noticing so much abundance in things I can’t physically acquire or buy, but I can tune into.
Like, connection and good company, friends who share skills and rhubarb divisions with me. And plants who just go about their business giving away things like shelter, food, and nest-building materials all for free - I mean there’s a cycle of reciprocity going on in the plant world, but no plant is counting the molecules of nectar that a bird takes and weighing it up against the amount of bird poo they leave behind to fertilise their roots. It doesn’t work like that.
It’s a long game for nature, and since we are nature too, I think we can take some cues from that. Unlike the soulless monetary economy, when we share something with a friend, we don’t need a 1:1 trade to be transacted immediately.
If we share what’s abundant now, it’s a lovely opportunity to prolong your friendship with many moments of sharing over a lifetime.
We’re surrounded by an abundance of resources despite the cost of living crisis. We just need to tune in and in some cases intentionally step out of our comfort zone to ask for it or organise an occasion that holds space for sharing a bounty of abundance.
Are you noticing different forms of abundance beyond things you can buy? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.
Patrons, I want to give a massive yay (!) and thank you to all of you in the Radical Postcard Club - there are 40 of us now. That’s incredible.
Every time my phone pings to tell me a new patron has joined the club I’m stopped in my tracks with disbelief. It’s so amazing to me.
Your membership not only feels like my art and mission are being embraced, but the financial support from you is helping me to create meaningful work in the world, and is going a long way to assist me as I dig my way out of a goodly dose of occupational burnout (a story for another times). I can’t say thank you enough.
The next club postcards will be sent in the post in early October, so if you have a few extra dollars each month, it would be amazing to see you there.
If you want to support my work in non-financial ways (which would be amazing!) you can:
Subscribe to my YouTube channel - which is a simple, but really helpful way for you to support me to reach more people.
Become a **free** Patreon member - a great way to stay in the loop with club goings-in and connect with each month’s radical theme.
Subscribe to this newsletter if you’re not already. It’s free, and always will be.
I hope you have a super abundant month. Catch you next time.
So cool your postcard club is taking off!